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Truffa per IPhone (I need help in English)

Salve cari ebayers, 


Sono un esternò, quindi cerco di aiutare in Inglese.


Some time ago I was frauded by a seller on EBay while I was trying to buy an IPhone. I have won an auction, the seller had nice feedback and he asked me for a bank transfer, so I paid him by bank transfer (the account is in Poste Italiane in Rome). The phone didn’t arrive and he promised a refund, after a couple of weeks, he told me that there was a problem with the refund, so he is making another refund. Of course, that refund has never arrived and now he’s not responding. 

My bank has told me that there is nothing they can do to help, and ebay has told me that I have to contact Italian police online.

At this point, I would like to look for some help from one of you who can help me with the procedure. I am struggling because all the websites I have found are in Italian.


I promise to pay 100 euros to do person who help if I can get my money back.


Cordiali Saluti

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Rif.: Truffa per IPhone (I need help in English)

Utente della Community



you are Italian, why do you write in English on an Italian forum


Più informazioni dai meglio è: scrivere nel forum non costa nulla, a noi basta un buongiorno, un per favore e un grazie

Qui ventum seminabunt et turbinem metent
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Rif.: Truffa per IPhone (I need help in English)


I am not Italian, and my Italian knowledge is not good enough for the purpose of this case.
Messaggio 3 di 11
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Rif.: Truffa per IPhone (I need help in English)

Non posso aiutarti... Non so l'inglese... I'm sorry


Prova con google traslate. Abbiamo constatato che funziona bene


Più informazioni dai meglio è: scrivere nel forum non costa nulla, a noi basta un buongiorno, un per favore e un grazie

Qui ventum seminabunt et turbinem metent
Messaggio 4 di 11
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Rif.: Truffa per IPhone (I need help in English)

I translated your post. unfortunately you have suffered a scam. Almost certainly yours was not a real bank transfer but a top-up towards a prepaid with iban.
Regarding the complaint, you can also go to the Carabinieri in your area, they can report them to you.
Unfortunately you won't get your money back, or at least not hope for too much.
Don't be fooled even the 100 euros of the reward



I hope there are no swear words in the translation, in case I apologize



Più informazioni dai meglio è: scrivere nel forum non costa nulla, a noi basta un buongiorno, un per favore e un grazie

Qui ventum seminabunt et turbinem metent
Messaggio 5 di 11
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Rif.: Truffa per IPhone (I need help in English)

a tip for your next purchases: always use paypal, especially for expensive and important items. If you don't have an account, open it immediately, it's free and connect it if you want to a postepay



Più informazioni dai meglio è: scrivere nel forum non costa nulla, a noi basta un buongiorno, un per favore e un grazie

Qui ventum seminabunt et turbinem metent
Messaggio 6 di 11
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Rif.: Truffa per IPhone (I need help in English)


@your-next-phone  ha scritto:

Salve cari ebayers, 


Sono un esternò, quindi cerco di aiutare in Inglese.


Some time ago I was frauded by a seller on EBay while I was trying to buy an IPhone. I have won an auction, the seller had nice feedback and he asked me for a bank transfer, so I paid him by bank transfer (the account is in Poste Italiane in Rome). The phone didn’t arrive and he promised a refund, after a couple of weeks, he told me that there was a problem with the refund, so he is making another refund. Of course, that refund has never arrived and now he’s not responding. 

My bank has told me that there is nothing they can do to help, and ebay has told me that I have to contact Italian police online.

At this point, I would like to look for some help from one of you who can help me with the procedure. I am struggling because all the websites I have found are in Italian.


I promise to pay 100 euros to do person who help if I can get my money back.


Cordiali Saluti

Riferimento alla vicenda (per chi non l'ha seguita): iPhone XS Max 256 gb truffa


Ti rispondo in Italiano perchè so che sei in grado di capire e perchè questo è il forum Italiano e chi legge può imparare anche da ciò che succede agli altri.


I TUOI SOLDI SONO PERSI, te l'ho scritto il primo giorno e non c'è altro da fare se non quello che ti è già stato suggerito all'epoca, SPORGI QUERELA e fattene una ragione.


Offrire 100 euro in un forum pubblico  a chi ti aiuta a risolvere un problema CHE NON SI PUO' RISOLVERE significa solo esporsi ad ulteriori truffe






#stay safe = keep the distance + use the mask + pay only with PayPal
Messaggio 7 di 11
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Rif.: Truffa per IPhone (I need help in English)

Accipicchia! Pensavo fosse un altro utente.


E sì, google traslate lo sa usare, e io ci sono cascata a piedi pariSmiley LOL


Ciao Moria


Più informazioni dai meglio è: scrivere nel forum non costa nulla, a noi basta un buongiorno, un per favore e un grazie

Qui ventum seminabunt et turbinem metent
Messaggio 8 di 11
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Rif.: Truffa per IPhone (I need help in English)

As I told you before, help or shut up please.
Messaggio 9 di 11
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Rif.: Truffa per IPhone (I need help in English)

@your-next-phone  ha scritto:
As I told you before, help or shut up please.

Lavare un asino è tempo, fatica e sapone sprecato.........(shut up you too!)



#stay safe = keep the distance + use the mask + pay only with PayPal
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