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Express yourself * photos, etc.

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As Promised.....

'jammers Goldfinch



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Rif.: Express yourself * photos, etc.

Florida,Sarasota trip 017.jpg



Messaggio 11 di 542
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Rif.: Express yourself * photos, etc.




Messaggio 12 di 542
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Rif.: Express yourself * photos, etc.

In Flanders fields the poppies blow

between the crosses, row on row

That mark our place, and in the sky

the larks, still bravely, singing fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below


We are the dead, short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunsets glow

Loved and were loved, and now we lie

in Flanders fields


Take up our quarrel with the foes

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch be yours to hold it high

If you break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Fladers fields.


John McCrae May 1915



Messaggio 13 di 542
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Rif.: Express yourself * photos, etc.

Risultati immagini per abolire la guerra

L'intelligenza è una virtù usiamola bene.

Living room...for everyone...without offense
Messaggio 14 di 542
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Rif.: Express yourself * photos, etc.



L'intelligenza è una virtù usiamola bene.

Living room...for everyone...without offense
Messaggio 15 di 542
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Rif.: Express yourself * photos, etc.

ciao GJ and polly! the PW change did it!

Messaggio 16 di 542
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Rif.: Express yourself * photos, etc.

Yaaaay!!! Hi Sin!


It's good to see you here, I'm glad you figured out your password. For translation sites, I just use google translator. It's "ok" when I'm talking to someone one to one, but it is somewhat difficult  to follow conversations. About the only real good thing it has going for it is it's free.....but on a good note, I have now started to recognize certain words and can 'sometimes' figure out the gist of  a conversation before using the translator. So if I'm ever fortunate enough to visit Italy, I'll have to make sure to bring a notepad so I can converse. Smiley LOL

Messaggio 17 di 542
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Rif.: Express yourself * photos, etc.

Ciao Gold....thanks for the kind words. I love your pictures....the eagle is very cool. When were you in Switzerland? And your other pictures? I have some pictures on my phone that I wanted to share, but my phone isn't working right and I was unable to download my pictures today. I'm going to have to set up the email and send them to my computer that way. When I do, I'll post a few.


Roberto, ciao! Where was your picture taken? It's beautiful. The scenery, not the dog....although the St. Bernard is very cute. Smiley Molto-felice





Messaggio 18 di 542
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Rif.: Express yourself * photos, etc.

i did find the google chrome translator finally! i forgot how funny some of the ...shall we say incorrect? translations can be!
no offense to roberto, but the funniest so far are on your legend has it thread, which is a GREAT thread! i will add to it, if i may?
Messaggio 19 di 542
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Rif.: Express yourself * photos, etc.

no offense to roberto, but the funniest so far are on your legend has it thread, which is a GREAT thread!



Oh yes...Roberto is the creator of many great threads....and they are always very popular. Just ask him. Smiley LOL

Seriously though, there are a lot of nice people here....most don't seem to be easily offended. And Roberto is one

of the nicest.




Messaggio 20 di 542
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