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Express yourself * photos, etc.

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As Promised.....

'jammers Goldfinch



Messaggio 1 di 542
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541 RISPOSTE 541

Rif.: Express yourself * photos, etc.

sineaterdoodah ha scritto:

hello, my dear ! good to be here!
polls, it starts on thursday the 9th, 7pm. a cool thing, michelle obama will be one of the guest judges.
grazi, roberto,for the warm welcome! and certainly i can post on other thread in italian, and you can laugh at what the translator does to midwest english, lol! i'll try to correct it when i start remembering how to read italian again.

my uncle taught me when i was about 6, almost 50 years ago, i hope i can remember.


Your uncle is Italian origins ???


Smiley Molto-felice


Okay Sin,

We expect your "legends"...
Smiley Strizza l'occhio
Do you like chess ???

L'intelligenza è una virtù usiamola bene.

Living room...for everyone...without offense
Messaggio 41 di 542
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Rif.: Express yourself * photos, etc.

i am truly pitiful with chess, sorry! but i am a wizard ( well. witch) with anything math related like cribbage or monopoly or gambling games like poker. i don't gamble with those though, it isn't fair. 

  i had 2 italian uncles and 3 portuguese uncles when i was a youngster, they are a big part of the reason i'm a very good cook, lol! 

i speak better portuguese than italian, but that is due to those uncles living longer. i am now trying to learn latin spanish, with very little success. 🙂


Messaggio 42 di 542
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Rif.: Express yourself * photos, etc.

Image result for do your job patriots poster

Messaggio 43 di 542
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Rif.: Express yourself * photos, etc.

goldjammer69 wrote:


Who is playing?  LOL





Messaggio 44 di 542
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Rif.: Express yourself * photos, etc.

@sineaterdoodah ha scritto:

i am truly pitiful with chess, sorry! but i am a wizard ( well. witch) with anything math related like cribbage or monopoly or gambling games like poker. i don't gamble with those though, it isn't fair. 

  i had 2 italian uncles and 3 portuguese uncles when i was a youngster, they are a big part of the reason i'm a very good cook, lol! 

i speak better portuguese than italian, but that is due to those uncles living longer. i am now trying to learn latin spanish, with very little success. 🙂



Smiley Sorpreso 

your uncles are Italian ... you like to cook you say:
spaghetti with tomato sauce???
Risultati immagini per do you like spaghetti
or do you prefer the pizza ...Smiley Molto-felice
Do you like pizza???
Risultati immagini per do you like pizza




L'intelligenza è una virtù usiamola bene.

Living room...for everyone...without offense
Messaggio 45 di 542
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Rif.: Express yourself * photos, etc.

@justpolls ha scritto:

goldjammer69 wrote:


Who is playing?  LOL






It's not important!

Smiley LOL

do you want to participate?


Risultati immagini per do you like Margaritas


L'intelligenza è una virtù usiamola bene.

Living room...for everyone...without offense
Messaggio 46 di 542
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Rif.: Express yourself * photos, etc.

Dog two.jpgDog (2).jpg


L'intelligenza è una virtù usiamola bene.

Living room...for everyone...without offense
Messaggio 47 di 542
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Rif.: Express yourself * photos, etc.

bellissimi cani, Roberto  &  e quello di un laboratorio bianco?



Messaggio 48 di 542
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Rif.: Express yourself * photos, etc.

Messaggio 49 di 542
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Rif.: Express yourself * photos, etc.

@goldjammer69 ha scritto:

bellissimi cani, Roberto  &  e quello di un "laboratorio bianco"?



Smiley Sorpreso


Hello Gold

What is a "white lab" ???
Labrador Dog.jpg
E' un cane guida di persona non vedente...di razza Labrador 

L'intelligenza è una virtù usiamola bene.

Living room...for everyone...without offense
Messaggio 50 di 542
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