Is there a way to change the language of my page in ebay to English from Italian?
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in data 10-08-2018 11:03
Is there a way to change the language of my page in ebay to English from Italian?
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10-08-2018 11:18 - modificato 10-08-2018 11:19
Se accedi ad avrai tutto in Italiano, non capisco perchè mai tu non ci riesca, forse fai l'accesso al sito americano ( o inglese (
Is there a way to change the language of my page in ebay to English from Italian?
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in data 10-08-2018 11:35
I accessed EBay in English , but when I registered, the page turned into Italian because my address is in Italy where I live now in Italy temporarily
Is there a way to change the language of my page in ebay to English from Italian?
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10-08-2018 11:45 - modificato 10-08-2018 11:45
@basim97 ha scritto:I accessed EBay in English , but when I registered, the page turned into Italian because my address is in Italy where I live now in Italy temporarily
Ho interpretato la tua domanda al contrario, pensavo lo volessi in Italiano, invece lo vuoi in Inglese.
L'unico modo per averlo in Inglese è usare un altro sito:
ma secondo me non ha molto senso per una persona che vive in Italia, soprattutto perchè dovrai sempre verificare se il venditore dell'oggetto che ti interessa spedisce in Italia (se non chiaramente specificato).
Non mi risulta che esista un modo per convertire eBay Italia dall'Italiano all'Inglese.
Is there a way to change the language of my page in ebay to English from Italian?
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10-08-2018 12:02 - modificato 10-08-2018 12:05
Hi there
If you copy the number of the item and enter ebay .com or pasting it on the serach label you can see the same item in Us dollars or UK pounds.
The problem , anyway, is that the description of the item is alway in the language the seller wrote it, so if the seller used italian., it will not be translated in english on or have to use a translaltor tool like Google translator to read it in english....
Anyway, automatic translations are not always extremely precise or you need to know a little of italian to understand it completely
of course I do not believe there will be problems with shipping; if you live in Italy and the seller sends to's all ok; but if you want the item sent abroad, you need to contact the seller about the shipping destination
usually the sellers send to the address registered on paypal, if you pay this way.
Do you need help? 🙂
Is there a way to change the language of my page in ebay to English from Italian?
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in data 10-08-2018 12:26
for example
copy the link of the ebay page you want to be translated in english
paste on in the white square 1
choose the languages (from Italian-----> to English) on the grey labels (maybe you have to select italian and english on 2)
click on 'translate ('traduci' , if you find the italian page, in the blue label on the right) 3
and you get the full page in English, even the description 🙂