in data 23-02-2016 08:09
in data 01-03-2016 08:16
in data 01-03-2016 08:18
More than 5.5 million around the world die prematurely every year due to air pollution—it’s the biggest environmental health risk. In a bid to tackle air pollution, governments are desperate to get people to stop using cars.
Italy’s economic powerhouses, Milan and Rome, have had to restrict car use for several days as a result of dangerous smog build up, and Milan—with a population of 1.25 million people and among the most polluted cities in Europe—is the latest city to propose paying commuters to bike to work.
Milan’s councillor for mobility, Pierfrancesco Maran, told The Guardian he wants to “reimburse those who go to work by bike, a project similar to the one in France.”
The well-publicized French scheme, first trialled in 2014, was a six-month experiment that paid commuters to work. Twenty companies that employed a total of 10,000 people signed up to the scheme; the companies would pay their staff 25 euro cents per kilometer cycled to work.
But was it successful? Out of all those people, only 419 people agreed to cycle to work. Nineteen percent of those cyclists had switched from driving; most were already car-pooling. The French transport minister had hoped the scheme would increase bike use for commuting by 50%. The number of commuters who switched from their own cars was actually closer to 5%.
Though there’s evidence to show a need for paid cycle-to-work schemes, some researchers argue these schemes aren’t enough. Currently, the benefits of commuting to work by other modes of travel dwarf cycling-related benefits. Governments also need to consider improving parking infrastructure and companies should provide shower facilities, critics say.
In any event, another small Italian town is also experimenting with the idea. Massarosa, a small town just north of Pisa, also launched a similar pilot scheme last year. Fifty workers were included in the 12-month scheme, which will use an app to record distance travelled each day.
in data 01-03-2016 08:20
in data 01-03-2016 08:29
Good morning
this is the progress...
in data 01-03-2016 08:46
Penso che sia una grande idea . Abbiamo un affitto di un programma di moto in cui li hanno istituiti in tutta la città e si può lasciarlo in una stazione quando hai finito con esso .... ma non si trova nessun incentivi. Altro che probabilmente è più conveniente rispetto al gas e dei costi di possedere una macchina . Abbiamo cercato di prendere un treno velocità costruita qui da anni . Che ridurrebbe drasticamente il traffico , ma non c'è apparentemente non tutti i fondi . Personalmente , penso che sia le compagnie petrolifere e automobilistiche porre fine ad essa come ci vorrebbe un sacco di soldi dalle loro tasche .
I think it's a great idea. We have a rent a bike program where they have them set up throughout the city and you can just leave it at a station when you're done with it....but they don't offer any incentives. Other than it's probably cheaper than gas and the costs of owning a car. We've been trying to get a speed train built here for years. That would reduce traffic dramatically, but there's supposedly never any funds. Personally, I think it's the oil and car companies putting a stop to it as it would take big money out of their pockets.
in data 01-03-2016 08:57
@justpolls ha scritto:
I think it's a great idea. We have a rent a bike program where they have them set up throughout the city and you can just leave it at a station when you're done with it....but they don't offer any incentives. Other than it's probably cheaper than gas and the costs of owning a car. We've been trying to get a speed train built here for years. That would reduce traffic dramatically, but there's supposedly never any funds. Personally, I think it's the oil and car companies putting a stop to it as it would take big money out of their pockets.
Assolutamente vero.
All this will never ... only at the end of the last drop of oil ...
in data 01-03-2016 19:04
The future in Italy ???
Oggi vedremo come funziona la frenata rigenerativa nella bicicletta elettrica e quali sono i modelli di Pedalec che montano questa tecnologia. La bicicletta elettrica è la normale evoluzione delle due ruote a pedali: in Cina già circolano oltre 40 milioni di biciclette elettriche e le stime vedono un numero sempre crescente anche qui in Italia.
Fin poco tempo fa, i sistemi di frenata rigenerativi erano piuttosto inconsistenti: la rigenerazione fruttava un recupero effettivo del 3% che in una batteria da 10Ah corrisponde a 0,3 Ah, con le attuali tecnologie la percentuale di recupero effettivo è migliorata. Il recupero energetico di una bicicletta elettrica a frenata rigenerativa dipende dal sistema che monta ma anche dalla massa totale (peso bici elettrica + pilota).
La frenata rigenerativa recupera l’energia utile estraendola da una quota di quella che normalmente si dissipa sotto forma di calore durante il rallentamento.
Tra le biciclette elettriche con sistema di recupero energia in frenata segnaliamo la linea Bioplanet, le bici elettriche Polaris e la più celebre eBike targata Smart.
Bicicletta elettrica con frenata rigenerativa, i kit
Qualsiasi bicicletta tradizionale può trasformarsi una bici elettrica e con l’apposito Kit sfruttare il sistema di frenata rigenerativa. Per citare uno dei migliori Kit presenti sul mercato che offre tecnologia con frenata rigenerativa, segnaliamo lo Smart-Pie, con motore elettrico 250/500 Watt e le medesime caratteristiche tecniche del Magic Pie 3 ma con l’aggiunta della messa a norma per la circolazione su strada (limite di velocità imposto a 25 km/h, omologazione per circolare su suolo pubblico…). Il Kit può contare su un Controller Interno, Freno a disco, programmazione tramite USB della centralina e frenata rigenerativa. Un altro esempio è dato dal Kit BionX a frenata rigenerativa che offre batteria, motore e quadro comandi.
in data 02-03-2016 07:26
I have a friend who loves them, but I'm not that impressed. It seems he's always having problems with it. Plus, it's very heavy. I'd rather stick with the traditiona bike. Or a cool little electric scooter!
in data 02-03-2016 10:38
@justpolls ha scritto:
I have a friend who loves them, but I'm not that impressed. It seems he's always having problems with it. Plus, it's very heavy. I'd rather stick with the traditiona bike. Or a cool little electric scooter!
But this is the best!
low emissions vehicle...