in data
- data ultima modifica
Dear eBay
I am writing this letter to confirm that the seller has resolved my problem with this item by way of refund to my satisfaction.
Therefore I would like to have my negative feedback and comments completely removed as I am more than satisfied with this outcome.
As I am aware too much time has now passed for them to send me a feedback revision request to authorise, please take this email as my confirmation and agreement to remove my feedback.
Kind regards
in data 20-04-2016 15:29
in data 20-04-2016 15:30
Dear Alfregala
you need to send this email to the service center...
Unfortunately we do not have a magic wand, we are still not able to solve these problems 😄
We are users of the platform like you!
Regard Tytta
in data 20-04-2016 15:31
Qui è una community di utenti, nessuno di noi può aiutarti se non consigliandomi di contattare ebay tramite chat o numero di telefonoChat e telefono ebay